We envisage an Independent and Ugandan lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender + community that is free of stigma, discrimination, and injustice.
We envisage an Independent and Ugandan lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender + community that is free of stigma, discrimination, and injustice.

About Us
Developing an accepting and safe space, free from stigma and discrimination and above all an HIV/AIDs free generation
Let’s Walk Uganda is a registered charity that arose out of online LGBT+ activism and interaction. Since its inception in 2016, the internet platforms have benefited thousands of LGBT+ people. Armed with this information and expertise, Let’s Walk Uganda set out to expand the scope of existing programs and reinforce the organization’s training and advocacy roles.
LGBT+ people can be found in every community in Uganda, and significant efforts have been made in recent years to increase LGBT+ visibility and reduce discrimination. Those who live outside large cities, young LGBT+ people, and those who have relocated or plan to relocate from Uganda to avoid persecution face considerable challenges despite these efforts. Let’s Walk Uganda strives to ensure that the perspectives of all LGBT+ individuals are heard in policy and practice.
Our Mission
Let’s Walk Uganda strives to provide LGBT+ individuals in Uganda with needs-based protection and response services so that they can live dignified and independent lives.
What We Do
Addressing LGBTQ Homelessness
Aid homeless LGBT+ people in need of safe spaces through our LBQ Women Shelter program, while also establishing relocation assistance in the event of an LGBT+ emergency.
HIV/AIDS Awareness and Prevention
Conduct health awareness sessions and sex, sexuality, and reproductive health education for LGBT+ people while developing digital and strategic LGBT+ health-care access channels.
Advocacy for Policy change and inclusion of LGBTQ in National Programming
Let’s Walk Uganda seeks to influence policies and national programing through convening power to bring together the best advocates and activists around for specific issues affecting the LGBTQ, spark discussions and new ideas that may become placeholders for future policy.
Empowerment for the LGBTQ community
Provide competent and qualified LGBT+ people with access to professional opportunities, vocational education and career counseling while helping the less privileged to develop their business and practical skills.

Executive Director Kimera Derrick
At Let’s Walk Uganda, Kimera Derrick, a proud gay man born on June 25, 1998, serves as Executive Director and was formerly the organization’s director of programming. He is a human rights activist who has moved his attention to supporting LGBT+ adolescents in Uganda. He established Youth Empowerment Society (YES Uganda), an umbrella group that unifies numerous youth-based organizations, to ensure the wellness of the young generation in rural Uganda.
In order to start the region’s first and only LGBT+ shelter in the broader Masaka area, which includes seven districts geographically, Kimera Derrick, who worked as the Initiative for Persons Infected and Affected’s Programming Director from 2020 to 2022, was successful in obtaining funds to implement the program. He continuously started a number of economic empowerment initiatives with the aim of bettering rural teenage life situations as an innovative strategy to increase access to justice.
His achievements were recognized by the mayor of Masaka City in 2021, who elevated him to the position of city youth representative on the mayor’s governing committee, where he is presently serving. In addition, Kimera was chosen to lead all youth, orphanages, and organizations that assist people with disabilities in the city and district of Masaka for a period of five years (2021-2026).
Derrick is passionate about advancing gender equality and LGBT+ acceptance in Uganda. He wants to improve the lives of at least 40% of Uganda's LGBT+ population through his activism and innovative programming. Various capacity building seminars and trainings allowed Derrick to advance his organizational management, advocacy, leadership, and communication skills.
Kaganda has never stopped advocating for and fighting for the rights of his fellow LGBT+ Ugandans, despite the fact that his country, Uganda, is one of the most homophobic in the world and despite the harassment, abuse, and raids he has faced throughout his activism career. He hopes that one day, not just in Uganda but also around the world, his work will bring his LGBT+ brothers and sisters peace.

Our Founder Edward Mutebi
Edward Mutebi an LGBTIQ+ Human Rights Activist, he is the founder of an LGBTIQ+ human rights organisation “LET’S WALK UGANDA. Based in Uganda (East Africa.), A founding member of Pen-Berlin, https://www.penberlin.de/mitgründer-innen. Edward is also the founder and executive director of a human rights news Blog “The world is watching International”. www.theworldiswatching.international, and member of Queer Amnesty Berlin. Currently living in Germany, where he is doing his master degree program in Social Work and Human Rights at the Alice- Salomon University in Berlin.
During his time in Uganda, Edward worked selflessly to fight for equality of the LGBTIQ* persons in his country, among his achievements was the start of an organisation which gave birth to the very first safe housing project in Uganda, which saved many LGBTIQ+ homeless youths. In Germany Edward has engaged in numerous human rights campaigns with different key player organisations In Germany. Edward is a writer as well and managed to publish some articles with very prominent news agencies in Germany.
In his struggles, Edward never stopped at nothing but he continues to preach the message of hope to the persecuted LGBTIQ+ community in Uganda and the rest of Africa. Above it all Edward is an advocate for democracy and democratic governance. And not stopping at that his love for activism came along with him to Germany, where he continues to fight for Human Rights. Because of his love for human rights, Edward acquired a lot of information and knowledge of the worrying LGBTIQ+ situations in Africa, and till to date he works hard to ensure change in the country he ran from, with a vision of “HUMAN RIGHTS FOR ALL.” As well as ensuring the rights for all in his new home Germany.
In His straggles, Edward never stopped at nothing but he continues to preach message of hope to the persecuted LGBTIQ* community in Uganda and the rest of Africa. Above it all Edward is an advocate for Democracy and Democratic Governance. And not stopping at that his love for activism came along with him to Germany, where he continues to fight for Human Rights. Because of his love for human rights, Edward acquired a lot of information and knowledge of the worrying LGBTIQ* Situations in Africa, and till to date he works hard to ensure change in the country he ran from, with a vision of “HUMAN RIGHTS FOR ALL.” As well as ensuring the Rights for all in His new home Germany.
Our Founder Edward Mutebi
Edward Mutebi (28), an LGBTI* Human Rights Activist, He is the founder of an LGBTI* Human rights organisation “LET’S WALK UGANDA. Based in Uganda (East Africa.). His Commitment and love for the safety of others put him in danger Himself and prompted him to escape from Uganda, seeking asylum in Germany. During his time in Uganda, Edward worked selflessly to fight for equality of the LGBTIQ* persons in his country, among his achievements was the start of an organisation which gave birth to a safe housing project which saved many LGBTIQ* homeless youths. In His struggles, Edward never stopped at nothing but he continues to preach a message of hope to the persecuted LGBTIQ* community in Uganda and the rest of Africa.